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Mirabilia Lyon will present Noir Impérial

The Musée de Fourvière will host the “Noir Impérial” exhibition organized by Mirabilia Lyon from February 11 to 23, 2025.



Musée de Fourvière, 7 et 8 palace Fourvière, Lyon 5

L’exposition réunira une quarantaine d'artistes et d’artisans d’art, pour célébrer ce « Noir Impérial », invention teinturière, mais aussi couleur mythique, novatrice, qui changea au 19ème siècle, l’industrie textile et surtout celle de la soie.

The exhibition will bring together some forty artists and craftsmen to celebrate this “Imperial Black”, a dyeing invention, but also a mythical, innovative color, which changed the textile industry in the 19th century, especially the silk industry.

It was this “Noir Impérial” that made the Gillet family the great industrial dynasty that contributed to the growth of the city of Lyon and its region from 1834 to 1976. François Gillet was born in Bully, the family's birthplace, a village located between the Monts du Lyonnais and Beaujolais regions. After his years as an apprentice in a dyeing factory, he went on to study chemistry at the Ecole de la Martinière in Lyon.

The aim of this exhibition is to celebrate the fruitful encounter between scientific creation in the mastery of materials, and artistic creation, which transcends the latter to project it into the excellence of hand craftsmanship. The “Imperial Black” will be showcased through a variety of creative media: straw marquetry, glass, ceramics, featherwork, ropework, silk, jewelry, wood, drawing, fashion, wool felt, jewelry, paper and metal art, furniture, textile art and auteur photography.

Meetings and exchanges will accompany this exhibition. The story of the Gillet family continues with a proposal written in the inspiring “Imperial Black” ink, and will be embodied by a wash by Gao Xingjian, painter and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2000.

Françoise Souchaud

Founder and President, Mirabilia Lyon

Formes bleues Résumé
Mirabilia Lyon
La matière émerveillée
Scène des métiers de l’excellence

N° préfectoral - W691102170

SIRET : n° 883 837 411 00015

N°national INPI 20 4 642 250

atelier d'art de france
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